Smiley Speech Therapy Centre

廣東話兒童言語失用症 Facebook專頁:
黃Sir (Dr. Eddy Wong)
香港理工大學博士 (PhD) - 主要研究兒童及成人言語失用症 (Apraxia of Speech)
香港中文大學碩士 (MPhil)-主要研究廣東話兒童言語失用症(Childhood Apraxia of Speech)
香港大學言語及聽覺科學榮譽理學士 (二級榮譽甲等)
香港言語治療師公會言語治療師名冊會員 (No. ST00260)
香港言語治療師協會幹事 (07-08)
香港言語治療師協會外務秘書 (08-09, 09-10)
香港言語治療師協會副主席 (10-11)
Childhood Apraxia of Speech: From Diagnosis to Discharge - By Professor Tricia McCabe - Hong Kong 2018
Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme, 3rd edition - By Pam Williams and Hilary Stephens - London 2016
Childhood Apraxia of Speech - By Dr. Shelley Velleman, Hong Kong 2011
PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets 認可治療師
Solving Complex Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Issues - By Dr. Joan Arvedson, Hong Kong 2013
美國SRJ口部肌肉定位治療(Oral Placement Therapist) 三級認可治療師 (level 3)-HK 2011
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Tactile Mediator - Hong Kong 2015
Dynamic Assessment for Young Children - Theory and Application - By Prof. David Tzuriel - Hong Kong 2014
The Hanen Program for Parents (It Takes Two To Talk) 認可培訓員
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Basic Mediator (Level 1)- Paris 2013
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Mediator (Level 1)-Paris 2012
DIRFloortime® 證書
Innovations in Theory of Mind Assessment & Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- By Professor Patricia Prelock - Hong Kong 2016
The Riddle of Autism -- Solved! - By Dr. Martha Burns, Hong Kong 2013
The SCERTS® Model: 自閉症兒童訓練模式
The Camperdown Program for Adults who Stutter - By Dr. Sue O'Brian, Hong Kong 2013
Lessac-Madsen 共嗚發聲治療(LMRVT) 認可治療師
Adventures in Voice (AIV) 認可治療師
美國Mark Power口吃治療課程證書
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., Chen, S., & Lin, J. Y.W. (2024). Pitch-variation skills in Cantonese speakers with apraxia of speech after stroke: Preliminary findings of acoustic analyses. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00242
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Wong, T. O. K. (2023). An online survey of clinical practice and confidence in diagnosing acquired apraxia of speech in Cantonese speakers. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1080/17549507.2023.2263181
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Velleman, S. L. (2023). Clinical practices of childhood apraxia of speech in Hong Kong: A web-based survey study. PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0284109. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284109
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., & Velleman, S. L. (2023). Assessment and diagnostic standards of apraxia of speech in Chinese-speaking adults and children: A scoping review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(1), 316-340. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_AJSLP-21-00355
Wong, E. C. H., Wong, M. N., Velleman, S. L., Tong, M. C. F., & Lee, K. Y. S. (2023). Lexical tone perception and production in Cantonese-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech: A pilot study. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 37(4-6), 316-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699206.2022.2074310
Wong, M. N., Wong, E. C. H., & Velleman, S. L. (2022). Using segmental and suprasegmental sequencing skills to differentiate children with and without childhood apraxia of speech: Protocol for a comparative accuracy study. JMIR Research Protocol, 11(10), e40465. doi:10.2196/40465
Wong, E. C. H., Velleman, S. L., Tong, M. C. F., & Lee, K. Y. S. (2021). Pitch variation in children with childhood apraxia of speech: Preliminary findings. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(3S), 1511-1524. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_AJSLP-20-00150
Wong, E. C. H., Lee, K. Y. S., & Tong, M. C. F. (2020). The applicability of the English clinical features of childhood apraxia of speech to Cantonese: A modified Delphi survey. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(2), 652-663. https://doi.org/10.1044/2019_AJSLP-19-00118.
Wong, E. C. H. (2018). Clinician manual – assessment and treatment of children with severe speech sound disorders. Division of Speech Therapy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, E. C. H. (2017). Development of a treatment protocol for Cantonese-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech: case study. (Unpublished master’s thesis). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China.
講者-- 香港理工大學言語治療所舉辧網上講座 Do the kids have childhood apraxia of speech?
講者 -- 樂言言語治療中心舉辧網上講座 Webinar: How much we know about Cantonese childhood apraxia of speech?
講師 -- 新加坡理工大學理學士(言語及語言治療)發音障礙課程 [Singapore Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy, Year 2 modules: Speech Disorders Across the Lifespan]
講師 -- 香港理工大學文學碩士選修科 [PolyU, Master of Art, Elective course (3 credits, Special Education Needs in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing]
客席講師 -- 香港中文大學言語語言病理學碩士發音障礙 [CUHK, Master of Speech-Language Pathology, Year 1 course SLPA5207: Speech Sound Disorders]
講者 -- 澳門教育及青年發展局及澳門言語治療師協會舉辧澳門言語治療師培訓工作坊 Assessment and treatment of children with childhood apraxia of speech (兒童言語失用症之評估及治療)
講者 -- 香港中文大學舉辧香港言語治療師培訓工作坊 Assessment and Treatment of Children with Severe Speech Sound Disorders (嚴重構音障礙之評估及治療)
講者 -- 香港中文大學舉辧言語治療專業講座 Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (兒童言語失用症之評估及治療)
香港理工大學臨床導師 (Part-time) (2019 -- 現在)
香港大學言語及聽覺科學榮譽臨床導師 (2009-2011)